SQL Anywhere Database Repair .db sybase asa数据库恢复软件
Whether you use SQL Anywhere as an embedded database within an original application or as a separate database server, the system requires stable, undamaged files to operate. SecureRecovery for SQL Anywhere is an ideal solution when files are undermined by corruption. This advanced repair utility recovers data from damaged files, generating clean new ASCII scripts that allow you to rebuild your database.
SecureRecovery for SQL Anywhere provides reliable data restoration with the following main benefits:
- Supports Common Versions of the Software, Including SQL Anywhere Server 10 and 9
- Restores Table Structure
- Repairs Data Stored in Tables
- Recovers Encrypted Databases (Simple Encryption Only)
- Saves Unique, Primary and Foreign Keys
- Restores Computed Fields and Indexes
- User-Friendly Interface
- Support for Install/Uninstall Tasks
Try SecureRecovery for SQL Anywhere With a Free Demo
With SecureRecovery for SQL Anywhere, you can test the range of recovery before you buy. A free demo is available for immediate download. The demo fully restores a sample from your file, then clearly displays all recoverable fields with demo text.
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